Category: WoW

World of Warcraft

Cataclysm: Week One

I’ve decided that since everyone is going to be pretty busy, that I am going to put things here on the back burner for a bit.  I will have a…

Nobody puts Darvie in the corner!

So Resng was visiting Rim in Elwynn.  This didn’t make a lot of people thrilled, myself included.  And it kinda went downhill with other Horde started showing up.  So after…


We’re holding our annual Christmas giveaway RP event, when some rude little Hordeling strolls through!  I showed her the way out with the help of some others.  And my heroes,…

I so called it!

So we’re playing cat and mouse inside the Wintergrasp keep after we lost.  Three or four Horde, all their guards and NPCs, versus 2 and a half of us (I…


W/Rusah and a couple others were camping our lowbies again, so we went to go see what we could do against the Kiithsa Hunter 80s that were camping our one…