Category: WoW

World of Warcraft

Alterac Valley Blitz!

We managed a blitz!  I already had the achievement, but this tank did a pretty awesome job tanking for our team.  Bunch of people got the achievement.  I died but,…

Just warming up

Started out some premades with a couple of Arathi Basins against another premade.  Both games we fought the same team.  First game we almost got 5 capped.  Second game we…

Can’t wait!

Got a little something different lined up for Monday.  I’m pretty hyped about it.  It’s a variation on the Know Thy Enemy column.  I will have someone lined up for…


This one we REALLY turned around.  We were 2 and 2 for a while, they had flag control.  Then we were 3 capped.  Someone had snagged the flag from the…

Insult to injury

We were 4 seconds from capping Iceblood tower.  Amazed we got that close.  This one started off bad, then just got worse.  Ouch.

Dueling. Lots, and lots of dueling.

I didn’t feel like battlegrounds, and wanted to get away from Lagaran, so several of us headed to Elwynn for some duels.  We had a good mix of classes, Death…

World PvP: Stormwind 10/19/2010

Couple Horde were ganking in Stormwind.  We put ’em down a couple times, and then they disappeared after that.  Had the occasional LocalDefense ping, but we couldn’t find them.  I…